Friday, March 13, 2009

Resident Evil 5 Update

Capcom appears to have released a patch you can download through XBox live that will update your system and allow RE5 to play on your machine.

Update to my update: The patch allowed us to load as far as the title menu, and then failed. I ended up taking the disk back to Best Buy and switching it out for a new copy, which has so far worked just fine.

I want my God-damn ZOMBIES!

So, the boyfriend and I just got back from Best Buy, red Elite XBox 360 in hand. We set it up and popped in the Resident Evil 5 disk and... nothing. The disk sputtered a bit and then the system feebly asked us to open the tray and take the thing out of it.

We tried a few other 360 games I had lying around, and they all worked fine. I fired up my 360 and tried to run RE5 there.. same issue. And it looks like this is not limited to us.

What the fuck, Microsoft? W. T. F. May this post serve as a warning to other gamers at Portland State: snag the newest RE title at your own risk.

Killzone 2: E3 2005 debut vs. final product

Ok, so here's a direct comparison Killzone 2, looking at what Guerrilla showed at E3 2005 (the game's first public appearance) and the final game, circa 2009.

And now, Killzone 2 as it actually plays, meaning all game footage in the trailer below is generated in real time using in-game graphics and effects.

So, did Guerrilla hit their target vision or not? What do you think?
For a full review of Killzone 2, hit up